Special Coverage

Chanukah House of Pikesville Gears Up for Second Year of Festivities

For 11 months out of the year, the Hefter family lawn is a fairly unremarkable yard like any other in Pikesville. But from Nov....

B’nai Mitzvah Gift Ideas for the Young Teens in Your Life

Seeing a child — whether they are your own, a relative’s or a friend’s — become a b’nai mitzvah and take the first step...

Sukkot: Building a Joyous World

By Rabbi Naomi Zaslow Arriving just four days after Yom Kippur, Sukkot carries us from the headspace of Yom Kippur’s meditative contemplation into full joyful...

Getting Creative With Sukkah Decorations

Kenneth Lasson is a professor emeritus of law at the University of Baltimore, but in his neighborhood, he’s known for the elaborate sukkah that...

Yom Kippur Ideas for Kids Too Young To Fast

Yom Kippur is one of the most important holidays on the Hebrew calendar. It’s a day of atoning for past sins, where many Jewish...

What Are Confirmation Ceremonies? A Reform Tradition Explained

Around Shavuot, which occurs later this month, some younger members of the Jewish community will be undergoing the meaningful ritual of a confirmation ceremony. Compared...

Baltimore to Celebrate Shavuot With Learning, Ice Cream and More

Shavuot begins the evening of May 25, ending the counting of the Omer for the year and welcoming the start of summer in a...

Use Up Your Matzah

It happens every year: Passover ends and there’s a whole box of matzah sitting on the kitchen counter. Because of its historical and religious...

Preparing for Seders in Baltimore

Between cleaning, selling chametz and cooking up a feast, Passover is a holiday that requires a lot of preparation. Like in all years past, Baltimore...

Matzah Balls, Four Questions and a Postwar Celebration: Seniors Recall the Passover Seders of...

The matzah ball debate was alive and well at Bill Fox’s childhood seders. The matzah balls were either called feathers — the light, fluffy kind...