
Paige Sachs

Parshat Shemini: On being holy

By Paige Sachs This week’s portion is Shemini. It is also Shabbat Parah. Parah means red cow or heifer so Shabbat Parah literally means Shabbat...

Antisemitism in the curriculum

Over the past several years concerns have been raised over antisemitic and anti-Zionist content being baked into school curricula. And in this case, it’s...

Skirmishes over Israel’s legitimacy

Last week, a skirmish in the battle to promote Palestinian rights by delegitimizing the state of Israel broke out at the Sierra Club. The...

Letters to the editor: March 25

Admiration for Zelensky What a remarkable, enthusiastic, brave, courageous leader we have in this man (“Zelensky’s inspiring leadership,” March 18). I am a proud Jewish...
Gershon Bloritzky

Opinion | This is real war

By Gershon Bloritzky For most people, when the images of Russian tanks approaching Ukraine’s border began to be broadcast around the world, it was something...

Uncertainty in the Iran deal

Iran nuclear talks in Vienna have once again hit a roadblock. This time, they were derailed by Russia’s demand for sanctions relief in commercial...

Zelensky’s inspiring leadership

We learn from the Purim story that leadership can be thrust upon an individual in unanticipated ways. In Ukraine, we see that theme playing...

Letters to the editor: March 18

Biden panders to the left After being elected over a whole year ago by many radical left-leaning voters and politicians, President Joe Biden doesn’t have...
Alice Nesky

Parshat Tzav: What should we glory in

  By Alice Nesky Both my Torah and Haftorah portions concern the details of sacrifice and holy rituals. In the Haftorah, the tribe of Judah’s sacrifices...
Lorrie Henderson

Opinion | How to talk to your children about war

By Lorrie Henderson You can’t log in to social media or turn on the television without seeing news of the war waging against Ukraine from...