
Rabbi Lia Bass

Parshat Vayikra: Why Leviticus can bring us closer

By Rabbi Lia Bass I love the Book of Leviticus. It contains many important lessons about the power of community, and pathways for encountering the...

Student opinion: What it means to advocate for inclusion

By Sarah Javaherforoush Recently I attended an inclusion training program hosted by Yachad, an international organization for Jewish people with disabilities. We discussed what the...
Donald Ray Schwartz

Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei: A pledge to do and to hearken

By Donald Ray Schwartz In this week’s parshah, which closes the Book of Exodus, we are gifted with the Torah. Our ancestors pledged to do...
Julia Bailey

Opinion | How a notary came to gift books to children

By Julia Bailey I applied to be a notary about seven years ago, when I returned to Baltimore. I lived here when I was attending...

The International Criminal Court

No one favors genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or wanton aggression. Despite that near-universal revulsion, few want the International Criminal Court to investigate...

A step toward religious freedom in Israel

Last week, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that non-Orthodox conversions must be recognized for purposes of citizenship under Israel’s Law of Return. The decision...

Letters to the editor: March 12

‘Saturday Night Live’ errs It is reassuring that there were so many signatures on the AJC petition to NBC concerning the recent anti-Semitic remark made...
Dr. Itzhak Brook

Opinion | Can we safely have in-person seders?

By Dr. Itzhak Brook Passover creates challenges for those who are looking forward to celebrating the seder in person with friends and family. The availability...
Jillian Axelrod

Opinion | I can’t fast for Jewish holidays without being reminded of diet culture

By Jillian Axelrod At 10 years old, I decided it was time for me to start fasting on Yom Kippur. While most people don’t start...
Hailey Cohen

Parshat Ki Tisa: What the census teaches us

By Hailey Cohen My Torah portion is about the census of the Jewish people. Instead of doing the census the way we do it today,...