Letters To The Editor

Letters to the editor: Dec. 17

A superb d’var Torah The d’var Torah appearing in last week’s Baltimore Jewish Times (“Supporting gender equality,” Dec. 10) was superbly written by Jillian Potler,...

Letters to the editor: Dec. 10

More on Kyle Rittenhouse I must respectfully disagree with Rabbi Charles Arian on his article (“Why would he go for a run on Yom Kippur?”)...

Letters to the editor: Dec. 3

Dog whistles In regards to “Add the Unite the Right rally to the list” (Nov. 5) and “Here’s the real issue” (Nov. 12): I recently...

Letters to the editor: Nov. 26

Can’t deny the success The Abraham Accords are a monumental breakthrough in the 73-year conflict between the Islamic world and Israel (“Abraham Accords are ‘Much...

Letters to the editor: Nov. 19

Caring more for caregivers In Maryland, there are 110,000 individuals ages 65 and older living with dementia and 238,000 caregivers who provide 364,000,000 hours of...

Letters to the editor: Nov. 12

Abraham Accords are ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ I read a recent editorial in the Baltimore Jewish Times in which your periodical waxed poetic regarding the...

Letters to the editor: Nov. 5

Add the Unite the Right rally to the list Surely to be added to Jeff Knisbacher’s list of former President Donald Trump’s “important accomplishments” is...

Letters to the editor: Oct. 29

Let’s discuss the real issues Michael Gelman not only has it wrong on the “hidden” dangers to our democracy but can only repeat the Democrat...

Letters to the editor: Oct. 22

Additional recognition Thank you for the article about the Howard County Jewish history project, “Telling the story of Columbia Jewry: Karen Falk,” from Oct. 8....

Letters to the editor: Oct. 15

Good news stories I want to thank staff writer Jesse Berman for the wonderful article about Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Hebrew Congregation’s rabbinic residency program...